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Now, I’ll digress from my point in a little bit, but last night, my brother, Wesley, Ginile, Vanessa and I went down to Cole Park with a few friends because Wesley wanted to play some Pokemon Go. There were hundreds of people down at Cole Park. Hundreds of people. It was just phenomenal. I was looking around, and I was thinking, “Man!” I’ve got absolutely nothing against Pokemon, by the way, absolutely nothing against video games, but I was thinking, “Man, what if we had these kinds of results whenever the Church had a Bible study?” Hundreds of people showing up because they were hungry for more of the Lord. That would be amazing. That would be great. And if you don’t have a hunger for more of Him, then just pray about it. And, if after praying, you still don’t have a hunger for more of Christ, then I would suggest to just read the Word anyways because it’s possible that you’ve gotten so accustomed to your fleshly diet, that you’re going to have to acquire a taste for more of Jesus.
The Lord always has something to share with us—always has something to show us, always has something to say to us, and He never gets boring. So, the next time you open up your phone, know that nothing has anything on Jesus, not Facebook, not mail, not Google, not Pokemon. And I don’t have anything against any of that stuff, but Jesus is above it all.