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I was holding my ten-month-old boy, Shiloh, during worship, and the Lord told me, “He’s your microphone.” At first, I was like, “Oh, that’s really cool,” but then I was like, “Wait, what does that actually mean?” It took me a little while to catch on, but check this out. Shiloh is my microphone.
(Baby playing and babbling)
The purpose of a microphone is to transmit sound wherever it needs to go. So, over the years, I’m going be raising him, and as I’m raising him, I’m going to be speaking the word of God into him. And then, by the Spirit of the Lord, he’s going to take that message straight to where it needs to go—his heart. But he’s also not only my microphone, he’s my soundboard as well. Because as I’m speaking into him, his heart is then going to take everything that I’ve said to him in faith and funnel that through the amazing personality that God’s given him. And, because he’s also my speaker system, then he’s going to shout from the housetops everything that he’s heard the Lord speak to him through his Pops. So that means that everything that I speak to him in the Word and through the Word is going global.
(Baby playing and babbling)
And Shiloh’s not the only one that the Lord’s placed around me to speak into. He’s placed several—several other little tykes and teenagers, as well, to speak into. And the reason why I say all of this is because the Lord has done the exact same thing for you. We have an opportunity to speak to hundreds, thousands—maybe even millions—and it all starts with one kid. No, but really. All of the dramatic tones aside, this is an amazing opportunity from the Lord. He’s orchestrated this in a phenomenal way.
So, with that being the case, I have a question. Are you speaking the Gospel into those who are younger than you that the Lord’s placed around you? You know, the Gospel: Who Jesus Christ is, what He has done for them, and how He is in them. And how, because He’s in them, they are able to do all things through Christ who strengthens them. They’re able to go through a bad day and still have joy bouncing around in their hearts. They’re able to take rebuke and learn from it, and they’re able to learn in the Lord how to live a balanced life. Being solely dedicated and devoted to only the Lord but having fun all the way through it. Are you speaking into the younger generation, and, if so, what message are you speaking? Because this Christian walk is definitely not about worldliness and conformity to the world, and it’s also not about this long list of do’s and don’ts. It’s not about being this perfect little religious kid, it’s about Jesus Christ and Him alone. And He’ll deal with their sin along the way.
The Gospel that we speak into them is going global, and one of the amazing things about all of this is that in five to ten years, the younger generation that’s in the world may not be as willing to listen to us as they are to listening to those who the Lord’s placed around us to speak into—those younger ones—because, in five to ten years, the younger ones in the world may not like our “style,” but they’ll be able to more easily walk with and learn from those who we have been depositing into. And, as an FYI, before depositing into anyone that is younger than us, we first off—those of my generation and of my age group—need to be connected to mentors and elders in the Church who have been walking faithfully with the Lord for years. Because to think that we’re going to be able to do any of this without them is ridiculous. God is using us as the older generation’s microphone to the world in the same way that He wants to use us to speak into the younger generation and allow them to be our microphone.
(Baby playing and babbling)
Anyway, when the Lord was talking to me about this microphone stuff about a week ago, I was thinking, “Oh, this is so cool.” It blew my mind. I hope it blows your mind as well.