In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it (John 1:1-5).

All scriptures are packed with divine revelation and are layered with such depth that the reader must intently, through the Holy Spirit, unpack its treasure. Let us now unpack a layer of this revelation! 

Jesus Christ is the foundation through and on whom God builds from eternity to eternity! Everything of significance and value in time and space must be built on the eternal and not the temporal! Paul tells us that the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal. Jesus Christ is the eternal foundation of which I am speaking! The preaching of Christ Jesus must never be seen as “the basics,” as though there is something greater or more revelatory than He, the foundation, on Whom we also build! All of us who are of faith are built on Him. The foundation and the building are one! Christ, Himself, is the One in whom we have our being and on whom we grow!

It is imperative that we truly internalize that God became a man, a flesh and blood man who was born of a woman, therefore completely human. He has a date of birth in time and space, yet without contradiction, He is fully God! He is God in a human body who lived a sinless life, died as a man, but rose to life again by the power of God. In His resurrection, He became a life-giving Spirit and is the first of a new mankind! He is the prototype of the new humanity which we are! He is now a real, living, breathing spirit-man who has a flesh and bone body and who ascended to and sat down upon the Throne of God being the first human to do so! He is the first of the new mankind, a Spirit man with a body who rules all things, visible and invisible! This man, Jesus Christ, is our Savior and Lord! Therefore, I encourage you to bravely face everything in life knowing what the Father has given you in Christ and the glorious future He has prepared for you!

Pastor Don